Monday, August 6, 2007

Mendapatkan Uang Melalui Internet

Maukah Anda mengetahui rahasia mendapatkan US$ 50 dalam waktu sehari atau US$ 2.000 dalam waktu 1 bulan hanya dengan bekerja 5 menit sehari tanpa modal sama sekali. Program ini diberikan GRATIS.

Kami akan mengenalkan program baru. Program ini adalah murni usaha Anda. Dimana program ini tidak akan menguras kantong Anda sepeserpun, namun bisa menghasilkan hingga US$ 50 dalam 1 hari. Anda tidak percaya? Baca dulu penjelasan saya ini.

Apa yang Anda cari selama ini sudah ditemukan? Mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan dalam kurs US$, tanpa perlu memerlukan modal uang sama sekali. Usaha ini hanya perlu dijalankan dengan cara yang amat sangat mudah. Hanya memerlukan koneksi internet dari mana saja, dan hanya akan menghabiskan 5 menit saja setiap harinya. Tanpa perlu mengganggu pekerjaan rutin Anda, hanya sebagai pekerjaan sambilan saja. Dengan begitu, Anda yang akan menentukan nasib Anda sendiri. Kesempatan ini hanya akan datang sekali seumur hidup Anda. Apakah Anda akan mengambil peluang ini atau tidak, itu semua terserah Anda.
Ingin mendaftar klick disini

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cara Membuat Blog

Saat ini banyak orang yang membuat blog, tidak hanya kalangan awam, tapi juga mulai merambah ke kalangan intelektual dan akademisi serta selebritis Indonesia. Di luar negeri, blog sudah berkembang sejak lama. Kita saja yg memang suka ketinggalan.

Blog adalah situs pribadi. Berbeda dg website yg setiap memposting harus susah payah memakai kode ekstensi .html .php, .asp, dll, blog merupakan otomatisasi dari semua ekstensi tsb. Sehingga karena sudah diotomatisasi, maka kita-kita semua yg lugu teknologi menjadi ostosmastis dapat memposting apa yg kita inginkan persis seperti kita memposting email ke teman atau ke milis.

Pertama buka situs

Pada bagian bawah halaman tersebut ada tulisan “Create a blog in 3 easy steps” :

Klik tulisan Create Your Blog Now

Isi kolom data diri yang ditanyakan, kemudian klik continue

Isi judul blog sesuai dengan keinginanmu, kemudian klik continue

Pilih warna kesukaanmu, kemudian klik continue

Kemudian muncul tulisan “Your blog has been created!“, Selamat anda sudah mempunyai blog, kemudian klik “Start Posting”

Bagian Title : tulis judul

Kotak besar:menulis tulisan-tulisan yang ingin anda tampilkan

Kemudian klik PUBLISH !
Setelah selesai register/sign-up di, anda dapat mulai memposting/mempublish apapun yg Anda inginkan di blog: mulai dari curhat, puisi, cerpen, tulisan serius sampai yg canda.

Selamat mencoba.....

Cara Membuat Blog
memasukan foto di blog
mendaftar ke google adsense

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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Harry Potter's magic takes hold again in Jakarta

Harry Potter may have started life as just a character in a children's novel, but ever since the bespectacled schoolboy wizard cast his first spell 10 years ago, readers around the world of all ages have been transfixed.

J.K. Rowling's literary masterpiece about a young wizard and his friends at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has managed to transcend social barriers of all kinds.

In Jakarta, Harry Potter has left an impression on many, including the physically impaired.

Twenty-six-year-old Eko Ramaditya "Rama" Adikara, who has been blind since birth, is among thousands of Pottermaniacs in the country eagerly anticipating the seventh and final Harry Potter novel, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

"I have followed all six titles in the series and enjoyed reading each one," Rama told participants in a discussion held by QB World Books and the Harry Potter Indonesia mailing list community on Thursday evening. "I even watched the latest Harry Potter movie this morning," Rama said, referring to Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix, which was released worldwide on July 11.

The discussion was the first of three Harry Potter-themed seminars being held in anticipation of the worldwide release of the final book on July 21, at QB World Books in Kemang, South Jakarta.

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Hovercraft Fun!

Hover over sea, lakes, rivers, grass, marsh, sand, snow and ice! Hov Pod hovercraft are safe, reliable, durable, easy and great fun to fly, designed to make leisure hovercraft ownership easy. Great for family outings, hunting and fishing trips - enjoy the unique sensation of traveling on a cushion of air, over any flat surface at speed. Great rental business opportunity, a number of dealer opportunities and rental franchise areas still available.

Buying a hovercraft? We hear many sad stories from people who have purchased hovercraft from other suppliers, only to discover the hard way, what works well, and what doesn’t. We have created this simple guide to advise customers what to consider because, cheaper craft are often sold at greater cost! Hovercraft Buyers Guide

Virtual Hovercraft Demonstration

Until now, hovercraft have tended to be backyard vehicles or supplied in kit form, designed by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. Our design approach has been to take a 20th century invention, and create a 21st century vehicle, designed for the demands of the marine leisure market.

For the combination of excitement, ease of use, manufacturing quality, passenger carrying capacity, safety, durability, handling, comfort and serviceability, Hov Pod is the best small hovercraft on the market offering great value for money.

When we introduced Hov Pod to the leisure market, we realised that consumers would compare our product to other marine products available and may ask themselves why they should choose our product over another. This document will help our customers understand our design philosophy and will explain why Hov Pod should be chosen.

The aim of this document is to outline Hov Pod’s superior qualities and explain why the Hov Pod should be chosen over other marine products that are available.

Hov Pod Hovercraft Design Philosophy

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Banking sector has yet to fully recover, says B

Despite major improvements over the past few years, the country's banking sector has yet to fully recover from its worst crisis in living memory 10 years ago, the central bank's governor says.

During a hearing with the House of Representatives' finance commission late Thursday, Bank Indonesia Governor Burhanuddin Abdullah said the fact that the banking sector had yet to fully recover could be seen from the banks' inability to reduce their deposit rates in line with the central bank's benchmark rate.

"The BI rate should be lower than the deposit rates," he said. However, the reality was that most bank deposit rates were still lower than the central bank's key rate, so that many banks preferred to place their idle funds in central bank SBI notes rather than converting them into loans.

With inflation having eased considerably this year, the central bank earlier this month trimmed its reference BI rate by a quarter percentage point to a two-year low of 8.25 percent, continuing the series of rate cuts that started last year when the BI rate stood at double-digit levels.

Despite BI's rate cuts, the deposit rates offered by the major banks remain lower than the reference rate. For example, Bank Mandiri, Indonesia's biggest lender by assets, offers deposit rates of between 6.25 and 7 percent, while Bank Central Asia (BCA), the second largest bank, offers rates of between 6 and 7 percent.

BI's latest quarterly survey on the banking industry found that the average deposit rate stood at some 7 percent, and average lending rates at between 14 and 16 percent.

The banks also set their deposit rates having regard to the Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS)'s ceiling rate for guaranteed deposits, which basically follows the BI rate trend. The agency lowered its ceiling rate Thursday to 8.25 percent, and extended its duration to three months up until September to allow more time for the banks to adjust both their deposit and lending rates. The duration of the ceiling was previously set at only one month

Burhanuddin said that BI could not cut its key rate drastically as this would affect investor interest in rupiah-based assets. This was particularly true at a time when other central banks around the world were either increasing or holding their reference rates steady. The U.S Federal Reserve last month held its key rate at 5.25 percent after previously lowering it.

Too large a rate cut, Burhanuddin said, could cause volatility in the rupiah, similar to what had happened during the 1997-1998 financial crisis, which would in turn fuel inflation and could force BI to increase interest rates again.

"That's why we will always be prudent with our monetary policy, and not lower the rate by more than 25 basis points at any time," he said.

Given lower inflationary expectations, the BI rate could come down to 8 percent or even less by the end of the year.

BI expects the banking sector to be able to continue increasing lending by as much as Rp 150 trillion (US$16.6 billion) by the end of the year, which would translate into lending growth of between 18 and 20 percent. Lending growth came in at only 14 percent last year.

Separately on Friday, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Boediono said the government would do all in its power to prevent sudden capital flight of portfolio investments, and try to redirect these investments so as to benefit the real sector through the offering of incentives to encourage more initial public offerings and the buying of government bonds.

"Companies making share offerings can use the funds raised for business expansion, which will create more jobs and income. The proceeds from government bond sales, meanwhile, can be used to fund infrastructure development," he said. "One remaining problem is the central bank bill question as these bills mostly attract idle funds."

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tips Aman Belanja Online

Untuk menghindari penipuan-penipuan ini, anda perlu memeriksa
sumbernya dahulu sebelum memutuskan utuk membeli produk/jasa, ada
beberapa cara :

1. Periksa data lengkap penjual, seperti nama, alamat, no.telepon/Hp,
data bank, lebih baik jika ada profil perusahaan.

2. Periksa whois record domain penjual dan pastikan data Registrant
adalah sama dengan yang ada di websitenya. Di dalam Registrant
Information wajib menggunakan nama, alamat, negara, email dan
no.telepon yang jelas dan benar. Periksa kembali apakah data pada
website penjual adalah sama dengan Registrant Informationnya.
Untuk melihat registration information domain silahkan buka :
Contoh :

3. Hubungi no.telepon yang diberikan, dan berbicaralah dengan si
penjual secara langsung dan yakinkan diri anda bahwa anda tidak

4. Periksa data perusahaan/company profil si penjual, lebih baik jika
didukung dengan bukti dokumen.

5. Jika dekat, kunjungi alamat si penjual untuk memastikan alamat
tersebut adalah benar ada, bukan rekayasa.

6. Pastikan nama pemilik Account Bank adalah sama dengan nama si
penjual yang tertera di websitenya. Anda bisa mengeceknya di
ATM/Internet Banking ketika akan transfer. Jika anda menemukan nama
yang berbeda, segera batalkan transfer anda.

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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Cara Mendaftar Google Adsense

mendaftaf ke google adsense sangatlah mudah, namun ternyata banyak juga pendaftar yg ditolak pada saat register pertama kali; bahkan ada yg terus gagal sampai putus asa. Berikut sedikit saya urai langkah dan kiat serta trik step by step dalam mendaftar di Google Adsense.

1. Kunjungi, ada tulisan Click Here to Apply --> klik.

2. Ada menu Website Information.
(a) Di Website URL, tulis alamat situs atau blog Anda. Contoh:
(b) Di Website language, pilih English (tak masalah walaupun blog Anda bahasa Indonesia).

3. Ada menu Contact Information:
(a) Account type, pilih "Individual";
(b) Country or territory, pilih "Indonesia" atau negara mana saja yg Anda inginkan.

4. Payee name (full name), tulis nama lengkap Anda sesuai dg nama KTP atau rekening bank. Dan isi juga alamat lengkap rumah, telpon dan faksimil (yg ini tidak wajib) di kolom di bawahnya.

5. Di kolom Policies kasih tanda tik/cek semua kelima kotak yg ada sebagai tanda Anda setuju mengadakan perjanjian dg Google Adsense.

6. Di kolom "Login Information" isi dg alamat email yg akan dipakai untuk login/masuk ke account Google Adsense apabila nanti sudah diterima; jangan lupa passwordnya minimal 7 (tujuh) yg merupakan kombinasi antara huruf dan angka. Misalnya angkanya enam dan hurufnya satu atau sebaliknya huruf sebanyak enam plus angka satu.

Catatan: Kalau Anda punya email gmail, sebaiknya memakai gmail. Tapi email lain juga tidak apa-apa.

7. Periksa sekali lagi semua yg diisi, apabila beres, klik SUBMIT INFORMATION.
8. Selesai. Anda tinggal menunggu approval atau berita OK dari Google Adsense. Biasanya setelah dua sampai lima hari.

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